I was saying to someone online recently that there were some characters i probably shouldn't draw as i've no huge interest in them. The Fantastic Four was one. Iron Man was another. And Thor. So, screw it, i thought i'd try prove myself wrong and see if i could do a good job on one of those characters. I've done 'okay' sketches of the others before, but when i've been asked to do Thor i think i've always done a terrible job. With the advantage of some net research and finding out what the costume ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE, i think i did a decent job this time. May try my hand at the others, just to see if i can prove myself wrong again. Well, that's if ye think i managed to do it this time...
This is one of the best pictures you have posted,very Olivier Coipel.
You HAVE to do an Iron Man.
Nice one Dec. you should really check out the JMS/Coipel thor run, its great stuff, beautiful artwork in it too. I cant really tell whats going on there with his right arm, I think one of your splatter lines is throwing me
Ah thanks Mansloth. I'll prob try Iron Man in the near future.
Hey Will, there's no splatter near the right arm, so there must be something in the actual drawing throwing you off; must have just drawn it too loose.
I was reading Thor when it started monthly, but it wasn't really grabbing me. I'd say it prob reads better as a collection, which i'll definitely do at some stage.
Another winner Dec, fantastic, dynamic piece. I've no problems with the right arm.
How bloody long are you spending on these? They're like cover-quality finished illustrations.
I just got the second trade actually, gonna give it a bash soon enough. Its that white zip line, I thought he had his arm wrapped under a bar or something
Man... so glad I clicked the link from your blog to this one, Dec. I've been looking at killer artwork all morning! This one is no exception. I'd say you captured the essence of Marvel's god of thunder pretty dang well. You should definitely tackle the others.
odins beard!!!
nice pic,dec.
Very Olivier Coipiel and by that I mean you pulled it off.
Thanks folks!
Moondog, i'm not sure how long i spent on it. At least an hour/ at most 2 hours?
Will; oh, that white zip-line is the edge of his cape. Guess i didn't make that clear.
Mike; hows it goin? Long time, etc. Thanks a lot man. I reckon i'll get around to the others eventually.
Yeah I couldn't understand what was happening with the right arm either, I read it the same as Will. Nice piece though, it looks like you integrated a bit of the way Coipel draws his face into the picture.
Brilliant Dec. Happy birthday dude, 2 years left till you hit 30 and realise nothing changes
Heh, thanks Bob. I look forward to that realisation.
Thomps; yeah, i was looking at Coipel to draw the costume, i guess some of the way he draws the face bled in there too. Fair enough if you think the arms off too, have to say i don't see a problem with it myslf, but if you and Will do, there must be somethin' to it.
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