Anyhue... Nick didn't send me reference til right late in the day, which is why, compared to the other drawings on this blog, this looks a little half arsed (also: I've forgotten his name. Let's call him Tinie). I hate you all.
Have a crappy weekend.
(Why yes, I AM having artist block - how could you tell?)
Nice one Peej.
I think Tinnie is awesome.
Who's the writer on the Transformers gig?
Zephyr -- a superhero webcomic in prose
I actually really like this Peej, lovely and three-dimensional, great personality to it.
Yeah, what Mooney said. You managed to add character to a piece of metal. Not easy!
You guys had a tough week but I think you all rose to the challenge. Think it's Ironfist btw. Great job.
Nah, Iron Fist wears a green costume and isn't as blocky.
It's Ironfirst (according to the image nick sent me.)
I think I made his head too big - or torso too small.
Anyways, how do you know what colour costume he's wearing mooney? you got a magic monitor or something??
Jeepers, Peejers! You NAILED it! THIS is how I want my TFs to look! You're another one who I'd like to condemn to a stint on TFs, this is just proper lovely. His name is indeed Ironfist, and he plays a MASSIVE part in the series, so I'm chuffed you pulled this off so well. Draw another one! :)
Oh and Wereviking, I'm the writer/artist on the Wreckers, with James Roberts co-writing.
I was shooting for the whole Iron Fist is also a dude in a green costume in the Marvel universe...
I totally got that Mooney. Nobody understands you but your Thompson.
Sigh. Sad but true.
This is great PJ; i think yours and Bobs are my favourite of the week.
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