Ah drawing, Im getting right back into the thick of it now after my xmas break and its feeling really good. There are a few things I want to push through and improve. The first being how I render muscles. I've started using a new process lately where I build up the drawing an aweful lot more. This drawing here had 4 layers.

The first was a very quick loose sketch, chosen from one of many and drawn quite small. The second was done over a blown up version of the first sketch to give it more form and volume. The Third built up a lot of the muscles and put in most of the facial details. The final one then was the pencil rendering. The first three are obviously done quite quickly and I like how they can be maniplulated very quickly on the computer.
[PS] Die Hard year one issue 4 is out today
'I cant really tell whats going on there with his right arm'
Also, there's no 'e' in awful. Sorry man; you keep spelling it wrong, it was driving me mad.
Meow! A little sore about me giving ya a critique yesterday are we?
Is this actual pencil or Manga Studio pencil there Will?
Its all Manga Studio, I just was messing around with the pencil tool. Im going to print out some blueline soon enough and go back to the ol fashioned 2H pencil and see what results I get.
I've never really used the pencils tools in MS, you seem to be getting very realistic results there.
You have to use it on a full colour layer. It works quite well then
I love the 3d cursor thing on the page, classic Sliney. Yes the pencil layer should be there by default Thompson, I love it
I actually have no idea what that cursor is Bob. It appeared there a couple of months back. I think it controls all the rulers on the page or something like that. Kind of annoying actually
Ah i'm not sore in the slightest, i just think it's funny that i legitimately think there's something up with the right arm, like you did with mine yesterday.
Also, spelling mistakes drive me nuts and i've seen you spell 'aweful' a few times. Improper use of apostrophes drive me mad too, but don't get me started on that....
It's the 'ruler manipulator' Will. You can turn it off by clicking the icon in the menu bar that looks like a hand holding a set square.
Great piece Will, always interesting to see the procedure and you definitely got more out of the final drawing as a result I think.
Agree with Thomps, you're getting a pretty organic looking pencil line with that thing.
And Dec is a big baby.
Nice one Thompson, you have ended six months of pain.
Cheers Mooney, I'll definately be doing that more often
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