As Mooney said yesterday, all this week we're posting drawings based on 28 Days Later, to celebrate the release of the hardback collection of my first story arc on the series. Since this is all about my comic, i thought i should do not one but TWO images for this week. The other lads bagged the coolest characters so i thought i'd draw one of my favourite scenes from the 28 Days Later movie, the first Infected we get a proper look at, in that church scene. One of my favourite pages from the comic so far is the very first page as i got to draw various scenes from the original movie as flashbacks. I hope i get to do more as the series goes on.

Also, i thought i'd draw another scene that showed one of the main characters; Hannah. Just another image from the movie i liked. If you've been reading the comic, you know that there's a big question regarding what has happened to both Jim and Hannah between the end of the movie and the start of the comic. I actually don't know myself, but i would really like to!
[PS. Thanks to all the Micks for doing this]
Wow! Those are breathtaking pieces of work! You've captured the scenes perfectly!
Infected Micks? I love it! Can't wait to see all the other entries!
Man these are fantastic Dec, I'specially like the first one. You really captured that lumbering gait of the infected dude, and the atmosphere and colours on both are perfect. Excellent work altogether.
That one of Hannah is something special. I'd buy a print of that no bother.
Great pieces, I really like both of these. I'd love to see you colour another one of your comics at some point. You've come a long way since Tim Skinner, and the colours on that were already very good. I think I like the one of the girl in the red dress by a whisker.
Both are beautiful! Well done.
Lovely Stuff Dec. Love the colours and textures in the second one.
Ah thanks guys.
Mooney; Sound, i put a lot of work into that one (inks and colours). Pretty happy with how it came out. It's obviously a direct lift from the movie, but i tried to change things to make it a more interesting drawing. Tried out colourizing some greywash in these two, and it seemed to work out.
Thanks Thomps. I'd argure the colouring on Tim Skinner was better than the drawing! Glad you think my colours are working though as i do struggle with them to be honest. I thought everyone would prefer the first one by a mile, but a lot of people seem to prefer the second one, which was a much easier drawing by comparison.
Thanks Fran! That image is 75% black space, so i thought i needed to have a lot of texture to help the figure 'pop' as there's barely any detail on her at all. That image is also a lift from the movie, so i thought the texture would make it a more interesting drawing. Plus; i got to go messy, which is always fun.
Man, i really go to town replying on the comments...
Ah coloured greywash, that's what the texture is. Good move Dec, nice addition to your work.
Superb pictures, Dec.
I second what Steve said, your colours on these are excellent, it'd be great to see you doing more self-coloured work in future.
Thanks Thomps. I've been meaning to try if for a while but only figured it out recently. And by 'figured it out' i mean someone told me. Obviously, i don't colour much, so i like to use the Micks pieces as practice.
Thanks a lot John. Yeah, i wouldn't mind colouring something of my own again someday. Takes to long though. Maybe i will someday, who knows.
Wow! The one on the bottom is really extreme, beautiful lines!
These are really impressive, Dec. I'd let you infect me anyday. In a picture I mean. Not with a . . .stop typing.
These are both pretty stunning. The book really suits your style, Dec, as you're a master at the heavy inks and atmosphere you're using here. You really did capture the scenes perfectly.
Saweeet! Doesn't the red just explode of the page?
I know what happened. Jim went back over to Ireland where he got tickets for the all-Ireland final where Cork beat Dublin, I hear he was delighted
I like these so much, and the graphics are great, and they are a pleasure to look closely at. More please.
Great work, Dec. I've been enjoying your stuff in the series. You just gotta let me buy a page or two one day :)
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