I wanted to add some halftone and a bit of colour to this but time has run out. This is Brendan Gleeson's character Frank, kitted out in his riot gear and tackling some infected. Not a direct scene from the movie but I assume he did a lot of this before the main cast ran into him. Now go buy the 28 Days hardcover.
Sssssavage!!!! Fantastic stuff Thompson. (I was secretly hoping that you were gonna miss the day just to see poor ol Dec break down). Oh and once again, savage piece
Excellent, nice and loose and full of life. Like yourself.
This is fuckin awsome! Period. Great movement and compostion.
One of my favorites of yours so far, and one of the coolest scenes in the movie.
I think I'll watch it again.
Like this Bompso. Nice frenetic linework with lots of energy. Prefer this to your tighter stuff if I'm honest!
s'good, I like this a lot. Looks like Klaus Janson's work.
Yeah, he only clobbered 2 Infected in the movie, but i'm sure he had to flake into a rake of them at sometime beforehand.
Great stuff man. You really played to your strenghts with this one.
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