So being from Cork I of course got to draw Cillian Murphy. This actually turned out waaaaay different than i planned it to be, hence the very dodgy composition. Still though I had fun just mucking around with photoshop.
ps. Dec, its 5 years this month since ultimates 2 came out. Awwwwww
I like the composition. Cool poster feel to this.
Is it ye're anniversary or something Will?
Great, dramatic feel to this, very cinematic. You really nailed the mood, can't go wrong with a lovely blood-red.
Holy crap... 5 years. Yeah Mooney, that pretty much means it's our anniversary. And what a way to celebrate!
Nice one Will. I enjoyed drawing him in that first page of the book. He's a weird lookin' fecker; lets face it.
Probably cuz he's from Cork.
Yeah I agree, all the ladys love him tho, probobly because he's from Cork
First thing i ever saw him in was a *terrible* film called 'Disco Pigs'. It was set in Cork, and i'd never really met anyone from Cork before. The whole time i was wondering "Why the hell are they talking like that!?! They sound ridiculous!"
Little did i know....
Never heard a Cork accent he says. Werent you dating a girl from Bandon then ya dumbass
That was way before then.
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