If Orson Welles had had his way and had managed to make a Batman movie, I think Danny Kaye should have been the Joker and Victor Mature Bruce Wayne. This one took about half an hour and was more of a fun bit of hokum- I just didn't have time to do the Jokermobile.
I love this! Great work, Len! Danny Kaye would have been a great piece of casting. Peter Lorre as the Penguin?
Wasn't the Orsen Welles Batman story a hoax by Mark Millar?
Oh I don't know, but who cares? It's still a lot of fun to speculate over- Peter Lorre or Charles Laughton for the Penguin. How about Ray Milland for Harvey Dent?
You know Adam West would have been a teenager in the 40's so he could have played Robin.
I would have gone for a young Dennis Hopper myself, but who would you get for Catwoman?
Ray Milland as Harvey Dent for sure. (Bette Davis could have been a contender for the Joker either - Baby Jane Davis)
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