Work has continued to be a bugger on my back, but rather then go looking at some old stuff, I thought it might be interesting for you to take a look at the nuts and bolts of my day job, that of colorist. In common with most folks in comics, my family and friends often just don't get what I do for living, so maybe this will go some way to clearing the matter up. This page is from the Secret History spin off, KELTOS, which features all kind of Celticy-Arthurian goings on. Very enjoyable, but a lot of detailed painted work- nary a simple grad to be seen here. Any questions/comments are much appreciated.
Wow. So MANY questions and queries, mainly 'cos I'm colouring a lot of my own stuff at the mo' and feel under-cooked in that department. This stuff is a real eye-opener though, Len! I love it!
Is that the page drawn by Igor Kordey? Looks excellent.
Lovely getting to see the colour layer independent of the line-art, makes the processes and choices that bit more apparent. Like a textured, lush painting.
Cool nice work man, love final result of seeing them combined, is this out already or coming out?
Yup, that's Igor- I've been his colorist on and off since SMOKE for IDW a few years back. He has a real love of Frank Hampson's colours from Dan Dare, so that's very much the kind of aesthetic I try to bring to the pages. Also, since the pages are drybrushed, there tends to be a layer of grey over the art, so one has to soup up the colors to make them stand up to the technique. Keltos #1 Came out last year in Europe, and #2 is due this Summer.
Cheers for the info len, any ideas where I could pick it up?
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