Had an awful time trying to come up with something to draw yesterday. Thought i'd do another Thunderbolt as practice and flog it up here but i don't want to keep milking that. So then I kept starting a character and then changing my mind, til i got fed up and just drew this. I like it though.
Really liking those sharp, tapered lines you're using to render these days, are they done with a quill or brushpen or what?
Cool little sketch man, great foreboding mood to it.
I like the halftone bit the best. I think you could've gotten away with blacking in his mouth area too.
The halftone off to the side? Whic is away from the actual drawing? Wow, a ringing endorsement from Thompson there!
The whole thing is 'the actual drawing' Mooney, I just think the halftone adds a lot to the piece overall.
Ah yeah, I agree really. Was just joshin' with ya.
No he's not- Mooney said you suck, and your Mother smells funny too. What you gonna do about that, eh? EH?
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