I really loved the Spidey sketch that our own Nick Roche graced us with last Sunday (scroll down four posts to see it in it's original glory). So I thought I'd give it a coat of ink and colour and present it as my own work. My inking style is quite different to Nicks's clean, animated look so it's a bit of a hybrid.
This is cool to see. If anything it makes me appreciate Nicks sketch even more! good job steve
Yeah Steve, good job.
Your inks on this are pretty slick looking, is that as a result of mango stadium or just the way your work is going? Fine job in any case, great colours. We should probably be doing more of this cross-pollinating on the blog ala this and PJ's inks over Will's Boba Fett piece. The results are always that much more interesting.
Well Steve I think the slickness of the inks was just a reaction to Nick's pencils. It's a zippy little shot of Spidey so I thought slick inks would suit. Mongo Stupido just made it easy to achieve the slickness.
I'd like to achieve the slickness right now.
Heh. 'Steve'
Tuned out great Thompson. The slicker inking approach worked really well. Nice collaboration.
Gor blimey, guv! I woulda tidied if I knew someone was popping round to ink it! I love what you did with this, Thompson. I find that the inks show up the sheer vague sketchiness of the piece a little, but I'm so chuffed that you were up for inking it. Biasedly, I love it.
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