This isn't exactly what I wanted but the composition is okay. I'm going to redo it and paint it up. Sonic. What a game. That crappy looking pile in the back is meant to be a destroyed robot with a puppy poking it's head out of the wreckage.
New page up on my webcomic today too
I'd love to see this in colour, with Sonic in all his blue glory. Great piece.
Id love to see this animated.
Easily my favourite Byrne piece. Utterly fantastic.
Don't thank me, thank Manga Studio and Sega
Yeah, i'm gonna have to agree with everyone here and say that this is feckin' saaaaaavage.
Love it
This piece right here makes up for every single shoddy Sonic-fanart pic that exists on the web. If Sega made their future Sonic games look like this, I'd buy 'em.
Utterly fantastic work, Bob.
hey buddy,this is one of the best posts that I�ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I�m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.
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