WHAMMO! This was inspired by Eclectic Nick Fererro Roche and his tentative move from the dopey world of pencil and paper to the sexy world of digital comic production. He mailed me, Thompson and Will to ask about the whole thing a few weeks ago and I can confirm he has joined Team Murgatroid so that's 4 vs 3. Larger version of this here
More silly cartoons at my webcomic right now
Ah, those eyelashes on Will get me everytime, perfect. And that Mooney dialogue is so accurate I could actually hear his voice as I read it. Plus Bob speaking Spanish is very disturbing for some reason.
Pitch perfect. I wish Bob wrote the real dialogue of our lives, everything would be so much more entertaining.
Also, nice work giving the 'Digital' font a way bigger size than the 'Traditional one.
That's cheating, man.
PS- mon-oh-man how i love Modokson. Floating on his lofty perch, judging us all. Too accurate.
Haha, im still laughing at this 12 hours on. Bob, Flicker is asking me to sign in to access the highrez version, any chance you could lob it up somewhere else
Yep I'll put it on Photobucket so. My fav part is the corny gradient on the word 'digital', like Captain Power or something.
I could kill two birds with one stone and do the webcomic about us, what you think?
hell yeah!
Well you'd have a guaranteed audience of six anyway...
I dunno, could all get a little back-slappey... but then there's so much material/mileage in Dec alone... what the hell, have at it so
yeah I've been itching to do a Dec comic, sort of like Mr Magoo wandering around the city being scared of eating cheese etc
*Golf Applause* (marred by high-pitched cackling.)
Fucking hell, El Burno! That's magnifulous! I like the fact that I'm dressed to party too! On my wall it goes. Words can't describe the glee.
Cintiq update: Like the fence-sitter I am, and being permanently against the clock, it's being used for pencils only right now. I still ink traditionally. And thus, I am the One the Brings Balance to The MickForce.
I've been known to eat cheese these days. What can i say, i'm a rebel.
I doubt Bob would do a back-slappey comic. More likely to be back-stabbey.
Totally boss!
This is hilarious. Good likenesses too.
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