I'm really strapped for time right now so I'm stooping to posting something from the day job rather than a sketch. I've been reading a lot of manga lately, mainly Katsuhiro Otomo stuff like Akira and Domu as well as several of Naoki Urasawa's series like Monster, 20th Century Boys and Pluto. All this is starting to seep into my own stuff quite a bit, as you can see in this panel from Die Hard. Also using the Manga Studio software helps.
Lovely inking man. Definitely seeing Otomo's influence in the art. Otomo is in my eyes, the greatest comics artist that ever lived. Its a damn shame he works only on films these days...
Naoki Urasawa is fucking brilliant too, I love the hell out of Pluto.
I think Akira is probably the best comic art ever put down on paper. There's barely a bad panel to be found across it's 2000 pages, or whatever it is.
Ive never read it actually, that said tho, iv also never read preacher
Very neat work this. :) Try drawing speedlines by yourself, I find that using Manga software for those effects make (my) overall drawing a bit sterile.In fact, I haven't used said software since drawing a white elephant for Tokyopop nearly two years ago. (Not a literal one...)
This rocks so hard, Thompson. Sterile or not, I gotsta spend some time with the speedline machine soon. (I think they look great, by the way!)
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