Here's one of my favourite characters from probably my favourite comic; Tracy Lawless from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' CRIMINAL. The series is back as of last week so i thought i'd mark the occasion with a sketch. Anyone who hasn't read this series need to do themselves a favour and start doing so, especially if you like dark, noirish stories. Ah hell, even if you don't; it's a bloody great read!
Lovely, moody piece.
V nice Dec
A very classically 'Dec' looking picture there, with all the signature elements.
Including the actual signature, right?
Are my sketches getting a bit obvious/ predictable do you think?
Definitely. I think they'd be even edgier if they were just smears of ink, or had chips sitting on them.
Yeah you should start using macaroni and glitter. No it's not obvious, it's just very strongly in your style. In a good way I mean.
Looks cool, is that really his name tho? Tracy Lawless?
Yeah Will, his name is actually Tracy Lawless, but he makes it cool.
Thompson; ah fair enough, i'm just wary of getting too gimmicky, but an identifiable style? I can be happy with that.
Mooney; don't joke... i just might try that out
Per. Fect. Ooooh.
You could try blocks of one colour here and there, but your b/w inking is excellent as is. Bravo!!
Crimbinal's so good even my dad's read it. Must get back into it actually.
This is so street-level, it stings. Good work, sunshine.
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