Was up in the old studio with Dec over the weekend, where his many, many great drawings of Iron Fist inspired me to pop this badboy out. That and I couldn't think of anybody else to draw. I also produced a weirdly naked Daredevil, maybe he'll see the light of day at some point.
Really like this one man. It's really fluid-looking; maybe because of the way you inked it. In any case; it looks great. Maybe everyone will ask *you* for an Iron Fist next time. A drawing of him, i mean.
And I'll send 'em on over to you lickedy-split, where you'll happily oblige any request.
I like that you left the rough blue sketch in, so you can see that other arm pose in the background.
Yeah, in the biz they call that 'laziness'.
I really hope theres a pornstar out there with the name Iron Fist
There's a Transformer called Ironfist, and he features in the Last Stand of The Wreckers, released in January. True story.
Mooney, I absolutely love this 'un. The pose is so strong. I seethe with inadequacy at it. Very impressive.
Cheers Nickelby!
So is Ironfist related to Ironhide, and are there other Iron body parts out there?
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