Something a little different this week. When scanning some layouts on my housemates scanner i noticed a discarded pencil drawing on her desk. Not much detail on it, mainly just the figure and 'Zombie Bride' scrawled lightly to the side. I asked her if i could ink it. So there's her pecilled drawing, inked by myself and then coloured by her. 'Her' being the talented Stacey Lee
The two of you should do some more collaboration, you seem to compliment each other really well.
Love the colours.
Yeah, a very accomplished drawing, really good. KInda hard to make out your contribution Dec, since pretty much all of the line is colourised, but a lovely piece indeed. Great pose.
Hah, before I read the text I was gonna say 'Wow, that's the best thing I've seen you draw'. Love the colours on this. You should be an inker Dec.
Pretty cool!You should collaborate more often
really sweet stuff Dec and Stacey- a great team.
Eh... Thanks (?) Thompson. It's definitely one of the best women i've draw... though i didn't really draw it.
I'll stick up the pencils and inks at some stage.
you'd know this woman was drawn by a woman..she has a body that is physically possible!! (except for the zombie part...) I like!!
That looks great. Nice Job Stacey ( & Dec).
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