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Mooney here again for another Moondog Monday. Decided to go with an American icon this time after all the Paddywhackery of last week. The interesting thing about this one for me is that its inked with a brush pen that fellow Mickhead Dec gave me(ta Dec!). I like the look you get with the nice broad lines, and the fact that it took me like literally ten minutes to ink is a big plus... but I do miss the anal control levels I have over the technical pens, so I dunno. Definitely a worthwhile experiment.
It looks like me emptying all the crap out of my duvet cover
Well the physique IS similar...
I know. Here man, my bird has never seen any of the Indy movies so we're watching all 4 of them next weekend. Then I'm going to bang her dressed as you dressed as Indy dressed as Bob banging his bird
Nice work honey. I don't think i've ever seen you use this kinda inking before. I like it!
Bob... you're living my dream.
My dream of course being me banging myself dressed as Indiana Jones.
Fair play to yer missus, not a lot of women would sit down an watch four movies back to back.
She sounds like a keeper.
Wow: All that from a brush pen novice? You startle and enmositen me, Moonspa. Nice figure-work indeed.
Bob, what's your bird gonna drees up as.
In a dramatic twist, i agree with Jackie.
I think you should consider using that brush-pen more. All the varied lines are much more interesting than the meticulous 0.000005 pen lines. All the chunky line weights look great. Really like the rendering on the torso too.
Kudos to you sir for giving the brushpen a chance. I'm a bit shocked frankly. I much prefer the results to your technical inking, much more organic. Expand on that.
Your a man for the muscles in fairness to ya. I like the results to. Mix it in with the pen work but keep the pen, if only to spite the two artistes of the group
Couldn't he at least be doing something Irish, liking getting drunk or beating up his wife?
I don't think Superman drinks, Mark.
But beating his wife.....?
He's ALL OVER that.
I bet she has a kryptonite handbag or rolling pin to stop him.
I'll just add my voice to the chorus: MORE brushpen! LESS technical pen!
Also: I love you.
I love you too P-to-the-J.
In as much as a man CAN love another man.
that's class stephen. I'm thinking maybe you should use brush pens more often too. it makes your work look way more fluid and I think thats a feel you've been trying to get for a good while. absolutly love it!
Wow, thanks Fran. That's pretty damn positive.
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