Friday, March 27, 2009

Miggedy Miggedy!

Of all the Marvel characters I love Mole Man the most. Peter Parker isn't a nerd. This lad is. A proper social misfit. What's his real name? Malcom Molarium or something? I have an idea for a MM mini-series. He really is a good character.

And as sort of a request here is a Mole Man Brian Cowen. I know Declan is so precious about this blog so I'm refraining from the posting the full pic, lest Stan Lee and Batman visit and it ruins our chances of getting work

Full picture here


Deirdre de Barra said...

A bit nifty, but the link to the 'full picture' don't work.

Colm Keegan said...

The top pic is class

Will Sliney said...

Hahaha fixed it is. Great work Bob

Stephen Mooney said...

These get better every week. I never realised you
-actually- love Moleman, I thought you were taking the piss. Some great drawing throughout the pieces.
I heartily enjoy these little chats of ours Bob.

Bob Byrne said...

Nah Mole Man has an underworld kingdom. The center of the Earth. Nuff fokkin said! It's brilliant. I believe he was in Ultimate fantasic four and got a revamp no?

Declan Shalvey said...

'Revamp'? You can't mess with classic Mole-man!

Bob this is deadly. Every one of those sketches are bang on. You draw an eerily perfect Mole-man. You even know of his admiration for Kanye West.

And you'd never know; Batman MIGHT look at this blog one day.....

Anonymous said...

"Baloney Tits!"

Stephen Thompson said...

I'd pay cash money to read a Bob Byrne Moleman series. He is indeed a great character and these are lovely drawings. I particularly like his gun in the first shot.

Stephen Mooney said...

I particularly like Cowen's gun in the last shot.

Bob Byrne said...

Yeah Thompson say it to Stan. An angry, ugly weirdo who hates the reads like my biography already. Just swap Tallaght for MIddle earth and we're done

Rich said...

Great sketches Bob.

There is nothing pretty about Cowen's gun Mooney, you sick man you.

Nick said...

I know we're all little Process Sluts around here, but the two payoff pieces - "Gun" and "Cowen" - nibble at my happy place like a well-trained massage goldfish. Sometimes you just need the punchline after the set-up.

More Classics with the Clamnut treatment, please? I'm Gay for Byrne.

Leeann H said...

Cowen as Moleman is epic win. XD