Saturday, March 28, 2009


Greywash Batman. I mean, Greywash Dinna dinna dinna dinna Batman.


Stephen Thompson said...

Niiiiiicee. Best PJ piece thus far in my opinion. Like a cross between Batman Animated and old school Bob Kane.

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah man, this is lovely. Here comes PJ to show us all up.

Love the big eyes on Bats. Rendering on the face is great too. Plus grey-wash is always neat to have. Ickle bits of splatter are a nice touch also.

Nice one sir

Will Sliney said...

Jesus Pj thats fantastic. I love how you rendered the face too

Stephen Mooney said...

A very cool amalgamation of the animated and traditional comics looks for Bats. More of this please.

Will Sliney said...

Jusst noticed the joker teeth in the background, is there more to this?

Rich said...

Keep'em coming PJ, really nice sketch man.

PJ Holden said...

There IS more to this, but it's not very good. So I've chosen the path of self censorship :)


Anonymous said...

Really loving the greywash,here.
The hint of splatter is really nice.

Not like that horrible Declan boy...

Eoin Marron said...

Wow! Fucking amazing, best PJ sjetch ye! Shading and greywash is lovely; also reminds me a bit of Tim Sale's stuff.

Nick said...

I hate myself for becoming embroiled in this blog of oneupmanship in the first place, and even more for what I'm about to utter:

Favourite pic on the site so far.


Bob Byrne said...
