Anyway, I’m Nick, the guy who, from the look of my earlier sketches, didn’t bother his arse. I’m not saying all that’s gonna change mind you, but it’s an accurate introduction nevertheless.
So, to cap off this Oirish theme week, I am here to counter PJ’s Banshee with a stock superhero shot of Sean Cassidy’s daughter, Siryn. Or ‘Soirin’, as Chris Claremont probably woulda put it. Why is she screaming? She tried to get into town for the parade and is incandescent with impotent fury over the sea of thirteen-year-olds fornicating, looting and vomiting that lies before her, some tykes doing all three at the same time. Seriously: Come to Dublin on Patrick’s Day and you too will feel the same.
So yeah. Me drawing a non-robotic, non-male. Get yer skates on, Beelzebub…
I was getting a little worried that we were gonna miss our sunday roche...
I was gonna say Nick in drawing human female shocker but you kinda got there before me! Looks great though!!
Sure does man, Nice one Nick
Mooney and WIll were never picked last, they played manly sports in their youth while the rest of us learned how to draw. I'm glad we got Banshee and Siryn in the end. Nice pic Nick.
Yeah, we played sports while you guys-
wait, what?!
Lovely piece Nick, an awful lot of work in there. You realize you're merely perpetuating the trend with your full pencils and inks?
You've become what you hate.
Beter than being what everyone else hates, which is my default setting.
This is a one-off effort, trust me! It subsides the guilt of half-assing pre-done sketches off on Dec during my travels. Plus, it's my first pic in 3 weeks; I needed to stretch meself.
I'll leave you with that image...
Nice one Nick, good to get the Cassidy clan on the blog over the weekend. Actually, with Thompson, that makes 3 Cassidy's during the whole week. Not bad.
Interesting seeing you do a non-robotic character sir. Me likey. Plus, i like we're adding to the X-contingent. Must do an X-man of some kind soon meself...
Good stuff man! Yeah I'm doing x-men sketches for a few weeks.
Thompson changed his bog icon thing
This is a great piece man.
This site seems to be really working, it's good to see all you guys putting up sketches on a regular basis, to be honest I thought at least one of you would have missed a day by now. Well done.
By the way people my blog is safe to visit, you don't have to ask before hand. Even the kids are safe to come now I've removed the naked pics of me from the site, sorry Will. And if it sounds like I'm begging it's because I am.
I am an attention whore and I'm proud of it.
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