I love Krang and the big lumbering slob he lives in. I don't want to build it up too much but I do a mean Krang impression. Not the being inside a slob bit, just the voice. Although I've been in some proper slobs can I get a ZING Dec?
Check out this weeks SPAZZMOID
Nice. Reminded me of a guy I use to work with. Always wanted to see Beebop & Rock Steady being brought to the slaughter house...
I always was a fan of TMNT - that sketch is brilliant - really captures the scraggly crang blob :)
Ah nice one Bob. you can never have too much turtles
Ah, what a great character. Excellent picture Bob, love the Technodrome in the background. Also this is pretty apt as they just announced a new live action Turtles movie for 2011
Technodrome was an elbourate mode of transport still though when your a mutant brain living nisire a funky bot why not travel inside a giant sphere on tank wheels! btw krang looks sweet real nasty!
Love this, ye gotta do Bebop and Rocksteady
I'm Declan Shalvey, and i approve this ZING.
Love this one Bob. Great stuff.
Another live action movie? Nice.
Yeah I'll get on Rocksteady and Bebop. Maybe Slash too. TMNT Archie comics are still my favs
Thanks for the zing your highness.
My favourite of your sketches. I think you'd do a great Beebop and Rocksteady.
Every Krang impression I've ever seen was always some lad pulling his balls out his fly, shaking them about a bit and saying "ssshhhrredddderrr!"
It's the turtles 25th anniversary next month.
Between THIS and the Ghostbusters cartoon, I'm really feeling my age - I'm so old this stuff passed me by. I have NO idea who this guy is. Again.
(Maybe I should start doing G-FORCE, and Ulysses-31 - though I'm even a little old for that... sob... I KNOW .. Dungeons and Dragons!)
Hey, G-Force, Ulysses 31 and Dungeons and Dragons were all still being shown when me, Bob and Mooney were kids.
Three of my favourites PJ. I reckon a Holden Ulysses would kick all kinds've ass. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Thompson beet ye to him
Thompson already drew me a sweet Ulysses. Ha, I KNEW PJ wouldn't know him. I think we should do a week of 80's nostalgia but one of us has to invent a crap character and then he has to guess which one it is.
Ooh! I know who i'm doing next monday!
8o's cartoons it is
krang is fantastic, you've probably seen this vid - but if not, watch it now! it's Shredder getting Krang out of the shower in an episode, he even has a towel around his waist! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4aveBG5_oU
I can just about hear 'Bette Midler Shits Yodels' in Krang's slimy voice now.
Thank you, Mr. Byrne. :D
Anyone remember possibly the greatest of the cartoons: The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers???
I would love (and rightly pay) to see a sketch of Goose doing his stuff...
I presume everybody is aware that Shredders voice was done by Uncle Phil out Fresh Prince.
Yeah, i heard that about Shredder when i was a kid and it blew my mind.
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