This blog's been running for over a month, and there's been only 3 ladyfolk characters so far. I thought i'd try tip the balance (ever so slightly) this week and draw a female character. But who? Wonder Woman? Storm? No gentle reader, i picked Megan McKeenan from Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly's LOCAL. A lovely hardcover of the series came out late last year so i picked it up and really enjoyed it. Not sure why i decided to draw something from that series, it's just what popped into my head this week.
Swank! Love it.
This is lovely. You're succeeding in getting real texture and weight in these pieces with the various new inking techniques. I think its really working for you.
Very nice Mr. Declan. I really like the composition and the way you executed the background elements. Splattery goodness.
Brilliant. Although it could be titled 'The secret shame of projectile menstruation'.
Ah, thanks guys.
If you read the book, you get better where i was going with the background, but yeah, i think the composition is strong, so that's half the battle there.
Bob; i was going to give it that tile, but y'know, thought it was pretty self-explanatory.
Oh wow, that's GORGEOUS work Dec.
Nice one Dec. The figurework reminds me of that old blood psi cover you did. Did you really have to touch her belly though?
class dec! absolutly fantastic. loving your stuff of late and I think the gray tones are after giving your work that extra kick up the scale to truly top drawer stuff. long may it continue!
This is so fuckin good Dec. holy shit. I require an Azrael for next week! I'll give you a mars bar for the original too. Half a bottle of Coke if you ask nice too. -Gar
Ah thanks lads.
Gar; DEAL!
Will; you KNOW i had to.
Fran, thanks a lot man. I'm really liking the greys myself, but i'm using them only on non-sequential work, so i hope the sequential pages don't suffer. Really glad yeh like the recent stuff though. I was just tryin' somethin new and have gotten a great response from it.
your making leaps and bounds, love this!
Wow, you're really getting good with the greys. Her clothes look like real fabric. This would make a really good cover.
Hey there,
Just had to say, I really like this one!
Love the grey tones and composition, really stands out.
Hope you're doing well! I'm keeping Mike at Asylum company as and when i can...mostly at the pub.
Beth (from Aberdeeeeeen!)
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