Waaay back at the start of my pro comics career, when Warhammer Monthly was still a comic, I was pitching to try and draw some Orcs. The editor (Christian Dunne) was a top bloke, but found it hysterical that I didn't know the difference between Orc and Ork (to this day I still don't know the difference, which shows you: there's ALWAYS a bigger nerd...) Anyhue, here's one of the pitch sketches.
Nice one PJ. Great lighting on it
Wowzers I never heard of the Warhammer comic. Is an Ork a big Orc?
Lovely chunky style there PJ
Good stuff PJ.
Um... what the hell is the difference between an Orc and an Ork?
That's lovely PJ. Very Nowlan-y, minus the spotted blacks.
I AM that bigger nerd.
Orc = Warhammer.
Ork = Warhammer 40k.
dOrk = Si
Nice! I've alwys loved the visual aesthetic of the Games Workshop stuff. Dunno if the fiction surrounding it is much cop, but I'd say it's fun to draw. Nice Hatchwork.
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