This is my piece for 2D that Mooney mentioned yesterday. I went a completely different (and obvious) direction and depicted a common staple of 'scary' characters; the Hooded Figure. There's lots of them; the Sith in Star Wars, the Wraiths in Lord of the Rings, Death itself, you name it. The Hooded Figure a common image used to represent something to fear, so that's what i drew.
Went reeeeaaaallllly messy with this, and used more greywash than usual. Was fun to do.
Fantastic! Messy is good.
...or those no-good teenagers you see hanging around these days. I thought this was a Darth Maul piece when I saw the original.
Unnerving. I love it.
Well by all accounts Thompson, fear DOES lead to the Dark Side.
Class dec! I thought it was vader when I seen it first but cool none the less.
little red riding hood had a hood... but this is scary..the stuff of nightmares!
I half expected you would do a Mr Fear piece. This reminds me of him though.
Heh, yeah, the beauty of drawing a generic villain; he looks like everyone. And hoodies.
I like the messy greywash. Looks less like spooge
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