Ah, the nineties.
Wildcats was the first one of the first books I collected religiously(along with Savage Dragon) when Image was formed. I loved those books, with the 'storyline' kept at a healthy arm's length, and Jim Lee (followed ably by Travis Charest) blowing my tiny little mind.
Grifter to this day is the character I'd most like to work on believe it or not. When Alan Moore was writing the characters they were unbelievably good.
Hey Stephen, I love how loose this is. Great work
Solid as always sir
It always annoys me that you can lash out a good drawing with barely any construction lines.
Yeah but I'm a lot more hit and miss because I don't. You're stuff is much more consistent I think, probly because you put more thought in. You know me and paying attention...
Ciarán: cheers man. You see the printed book yet?
You happy with it?
I agree, the loose sketchy quality is very nice. Expand on that.
Great pose! Very action packed. You make it look easy! I wish it was.
You make ME look easy.
Which I am.
I too have a dark history with early Image. Grifter was deadly. Who was that big rip off of the Thing? Badrock?
No one dives around with his guns blazing quite like Cole Cash. Good work sir!
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