I'm a huge STAR TREK fan. Really looking forward to this new movie, so i wanted to do a Trek drawing this week. Thing is, i'm not a huge fan of the original series as i grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation (or ST:TNG). As sad as it sounds, Captain Picard raised me.
I originally was going to do a really loose and messy drawing for this (was gonna draw him as Locutus; his Borg persona). As i worked on it though, i pushed the composition and design more, and my actual drawing ended up being a lot cleaner than it has been of late. Guess i just didn't have the balls to go mad with it and played it safe. Still happy with it though. I have the original thumbnail over on my blog if you want a better idea of what i was originally going for.
I too <3 Star Trek, and obviously the legend that is Patrick Stewart. He's squinty but he does that sometimes. I really like this sketch :)The background goes really well with it, and you have jean luc's shaped head just right.
Good call on switching the composition around from the one on the blog, its much stronger this way and looks great. Man i never really had any interest in Star Trek, even though the characters are quite likeable, it all seemed a bit too "lets discuss things over tea" for me.
I think his thin eyes and wry smile make him look a tad dim, which is funny for mister Stewart
Apparently this makes you a trekker not a trekkie
That really is the nerdiest debate. I prefer Trekkie tho.
Will, it's the discussing things over tea that i loved. Earl Grey. Hot. On the face of it, they just talk in the conference room but it's when someone gets brought into the Captain's Ready Room is when all the debate-sparks fly. It's all the moral discussions that i was interested in. That's why i loved Trek and movies like Star Wars left me a bit cold.
nice work dec! you'll be following in thompson's footsteps with some trek work next! oh and if you're getting tickets for the guys for the star trek showing on friday would you be able to get me one too please?
I'm actually headin in to get them today Fran. I was gonna ask yeh anyway, so consider it done. You should have ended that with 'Make it so'.
cheers Dec. Live long and prosper!
Declan knows where the toilets were on the enterprise. And where it was built. Optimus Prime or somewhere.
He got very annoyed at me the other day for suggesting that I may be a bigger fan than he.
And while I adore Picard and his crew, It's Kirk, Spock and Bones all the way for this fan.
It was built at the Utopia Planitia Shipyards. And i know that without looking it up on the internet.
Isn't all that Kirk stuff the same as say reading a 60's Batman comic, i.e. nice and nostalgic, but terrible when you get down to it.
It's class, Will, seriously. It definitely has aged a tad but is still excellent. The core dynamic between the main 3 is sooo much better than any of the character relationships in the newer shows.
That said, I followed Next Gen religiously. Never really watched DS9(but know I should).
Don't even start with bloody Voyager...
Well, it is responsible for creating one of the greatest characters of all time
Zapp Brannigan!
Haha, great comments going back and forth here, to top a great pic. Good likeness to an englishman pretending to be a frenchman.
I was a next gen kid also, although all I remembered was that the Enterprise was built on Mars.
Interesting point on the lack of philosophical discussion in Wars...makes a lot of sense once its pointed out.
Personal highlight for me was that the show invented the 'HOLODECK COME TO LIFE'
Utopia Planitia Shipyards were in orbit of Mars Ciarán, so yer not too far off.
Star Wars is an adventure/fantasy story set in space. Star Trek is pure science fiction. Big difference.
Exactly, its like comparing this really fun epic story against a really boring college philosophy lecture
Heh, you kids...-chortle-
Star Wars is an 'epic' story that was lifted from every parable and fable going, where Trek is actually an original concept. So there.
lol bless, I understood all of that.
I like Jean Luc and his earl grey.
DS9 did nowt for me, Voyager, sometimes, when I had withdrawal from StarTrek. Trouble with Tribbles indeed.
Starwars a fan too, but biiiig diff with them. If i had to choose, StarTrek baby. Oh and I wanna see the moooovie :(
(the comment on the blog one is funny, and kinda true lol) *sigh* where's patrick stewart when you need him?
I never commented on this. You've done the French Bullet proud.
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