Forgive my blatant self promotion. And my blatant apology. Just... forgive me already.
My first issue of 28 Days Later is out this week; tomorrow in the States and Thursday on this side of the Atlantic. Reckoned it'd be a good idea to do a sketch to celebrate. Gonna give the original black and white of this away to a lucky customer at Asylum Books and Games in Aberdeen.
Ah man, i was gonna do a zombie piece tomorrow! Looks great Dec
Hey we should all do 'zombie week' in honour of Dec's book coming out.
This turned out a peach, Dec.
I'm constantly amazed by how much cooler a flat red colour makes ANY piece look.
Aw man, you mean I have to go all the way to Aberdeen to be in with a chance of winning. Worth it I'd say.
Oh oh, do shark week. "Live every week like it's shark week!" Heh heh.
Will; do a zombie if you like. Selena ain't a zombie.
Mooney; yeah, god i love flat red. Works very well with 28 Days Later sketches as it makes them look more like the original movie poster.
Jeez, whats with the all the blatent self-promotion. Next you'll be coming on the show telling everybody about . . . oh.
Great stuff, Dec. Really looking forward to this.
Yeah true, well, the zombies in 28 days later arent zombies either
I guess that's true.
Man; i'd better get used to that argument.....
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