Working on a Bats commission at the mo(more Batman, just what the Blog needs..), here are the pencils. I'll stick the inks up at some point.
Watched the Burton movie again for ref for the car the other day, still love it to pieces. The new Nolan-helmed movies are undeniably great and all, but design-wise the Burton flicks are in a different league for me.
Sweet,love the batmobile.
But the best design is the Bruce Timm batmobile.
You can never have enough Batman. I think Batman Returns is still my favourite live action version. (I like the first one well enough, but I hate that they made the Joker the one who killed his parents). I was never a fan of the batmobile in general though. Always thought it was a bit weird that he drove around in a big self-themed car.
I hope one day to potter about in a large spherical moon-mobile.
Agreed on Batman Returns being the best of the movies, but a large part of that for me is preferring Walken-Pfeiffer to Cesar Romero in the first movie.
Would the moon-mobile accelerate around corners? Agreed, Walken-Pfeiffer made Returns good. Also it scored points by being set at christmas.
Sweet pic. Love that Batmobile. Yeah, Returns is my favourite of all the Bat-flicks. I remember seeing it in the cinema as a kid. I brought a sketchbook so i could try draw Batman. Didn't work out so well. Turned out it's very dark in the cinema.
As much as i like the Nolan movies, the Burton ones were much more imaginative. Gotham looks unique and distinct in his movies. Nolans movies have Gotham look like a generic city.
Plus; Pfeiffer's Catwoman..... prrrrr.....
I forgot about the christmas setting... yeah, that just sweetens the pot.
And I don't accelerate around corners anymore. I realized that possibly wasn't such a good thing. About 10 years back.
Yeah but it's your signature driving move. Like when Airwolf would do a loop-de-loop.
How the feck do ye prefer Batman Returns to the Dark Knight, are ye tapped? This is a brilliant pic man.
It helps if you've never actually seen the Dark Knight...
How does one become 'tapped'? I just really prefer the design work of the burton movies, the Nolan movies ARE great, but they look like they could've been set in any mafor american city.
no one has mentioned the anton furst designed 'batwing',surely the best of all the bat-vehicles.
except maybe for the tumbler.
can't believe you drew a woman without massive knockers! what's that all about!
I know Fran... I'm worried too.
I dunno, was kinda thinkin Selina would have to be all bendy and slinky, like a 'cat' if you will, to squeeze through alla those nooks and crannies while burglarising. So large funbags seemed a little ridiculous in this case.
Don't worry, next chick'll have em...
And Jamie, yep, the Furst Batwing also has a special place in my heart. We just never really got a nice full shot of the full-sized one cos of the fact it was attached by its arse to a gimble. The Batmobile was self-propelled and standalone, so it just about gets the nod in my book. Batwing was a beautiful design though.
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