While I was looking at Will's post from yesterday I started sketching Batman, hence we end up with two in a row. He's by far my favourite comic character although I don't know how comfortable I'd be drawing him in an actual book, so many great artists have done amazing takes on him over the years.
Absolutely fantastic, you've got a superb use of black and white going on there.
Awesome, but it needs a lens flare.
Don't think i've ever seen you draw Batman before. Great work. I love all the various ways you rendered the light hitting the cowl. I like how you did the eyes too; more animal-like.
Interesting to see your rougher take a day after Will's super-slick take on Bats. One of these weeks we really all should draw the same character and have a proper draw-off.
Methinks if that ever happened then it would really have to be Batman that we all drew. I happen to be drawing him today aswell for another commission, he's a popular guy...
Also, how the hell do you make the inking on this look so realistic Thompson? There's some lines on his jaw muscle that look like a wasting grey marker put them down... I'm getting more and more intrigued by this 'Mango Studia' that you're all so fond of...
I think if we do all draw a character is should be Moleman, just so we can force Mooney to draw him. Manga Studio has a small, but very organic range of drawing tools. One of them is a brushpen which you can get a very nice drybrush effect with. It's easily adjustable from 'moderately dry' to 'Shalvey level' too.
It's interesting to see two sketches with Batman. I think I've seen Batman by most of the Micks at this stage. Really like this one.
You forget I already drew Moleman for the Micks book, Thompson.
Just because Hans is apparently not the specific Moleman Bob was looking for, never let it be said that I don't hold my end up.
Thats class. Yeh first time seen you drawin him. Came out really well. must get an oul MS tutorial off ya some day
I pretty much just use the Maru brush for 99% of everything with a little brushpen for effect.
Jesus , that's frikkin' lovely.
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