Hey hey! Look at me drawing Batman. I thought I'd give him a go since everybody else has and I need a few more finished pieces for the much vaunted and discussed Eclectic Micks Sketchbook.
My crap webcomic about an elf woman fighting dragons complete with a shitty map I drew like Lord of the Rings has a new page today
Aw yes, man i never thought id see you draw Batman. Great pic
That's excellent Bob, best of the bat-bunch I reckon. Lovely atmosphere and one seriously pissed off caped-crusader.
Cheers pals, it was a quickie too. I have the time now to draw more things for fun
Really savage picture.
When is this sketch book coming out?
Man, that is class. The zip-a-tone is very thick though; i found it hard to make out some of the drawing as a result.
Deadly pic tho. I really like how you draw Robin, actually.
The sketchbook is still in the planning stages Mansloth.
Neato sketch. Especially love Robin.
Exactly Dec, I can't draw so I just plop that tone shit down and boo-ya instant art
Looks great, I really like Batmans I will end you expression.
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