Quite enjoyed doing this week's piece, which is a rarity! Sometimes I find squeezing a sketch out a little tricky, but this was a welcome respite from the day job. As well as that, I don't think I've ever drawn Venom before, which can't be right, considering I was a teenager in the early nineties...
Anyway, I was happy to give last week's Spidey a worthy adversary. Maybe next week I'll knock out a JJJ...
Nick that is class! Id love to see tht inked
Yeah man; that's just itchin' to be inked.
Looks great. I really like how exaggerated/bulky his thighs and torso is. It's very different to the slim-looking characters you usually draw.
Great drawing. Even I have the urge to ink it, and I'm a lazy bastard.
Lovely piece, I thought it was movie-Megatron when I saw the thumbnail. Love the bulky proportions although I wish we could see his toe-claws. Somebody else's turn to ink Nick this week.
There may have to be a throwdown to see who inks this, I for one am willing to watch said throwdown. Nice one Nick!
Gaah! Toeclaws! Their absence shows that there is no doubt that my Venom-Fu is weak! Potential Inkers, have at it, but two weeks in a row would really show up my own laziness...
I'd ink it if i could print it out in Blue-line.
Thompson? Help a brutha out?
yeah man I want to dink that doo
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