Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I love the whole Hellboy universe, it's the exact subject matter that I love to draw. Monsters, nazi's and magic. And more monsters. I particularly love the B.P.R.D. series, especially when Guy Davis is drawing it. Best monster artist in comics bar none. In fact one of the books I'd most like to draw is a B.P.R.D. book. That or Conan. So if you're reading this Scott Allie, drop me a line and we'll 'rap'.


Stephen Mooney said...

Yet another headshot. If they weren't all so well drawn I'd be having a bit of a go.

Stephen Thompson said...

Yeah I just counted and 16 of my 23 post so far have basically been headshots. Although you'll remember that's pretty much what I've always sketched when drawing for fun. Everything below the neck is a chore. Cue sex joke.

Declan Shalvey said...

............too easy.

Yeah, it'd be nice to see ya change it up a bit and not do a headshot. Maybe concentrate on the crotch next week?

Still, very nice. A lot blockier than the usual stuff, which i like.

Will Sliney said...

Nice one Thompson, I really like the lighting on the top of his head. Hes got the same kind of slanty down eyes you gave bats

Stephen Mooney said...

That's true Thomps, but at least 90% of those headshots over 10-12 years were looking up and to the left. What happened to the signature Thompson headshot?

PJ Holden said...

Christ, but you get great results out of Manga Studio - makes me thing I should really give it a proper go...


Stephen Thompson said...

I'll get you all on board and then we can change the name of this blog to Manga Stud's.

Lisa said...

Love the way you use that screentone. Of course I'm lucky, I can look over your shoulder and watch the magic happen. Cue more sex jokes.

Declan Shalvey said...

Why would you be looking over his shoulder to see 'the magic'....? Does he do it with his back turned.....?

I for one wouldn't mind the change to Manga Studs! If i had the facilities, i'd definitely give MS a whirl. Couldn't imagine not finishing my work manually though.

Cue even more sex jokes.

Bob Byrne said...

Manga Studs..I like it. I recognise all them tools you used and it makes me happy. Manga Studio is fucking great. And your Hellboy is swell too.

Cue sex joke.

Ah! I mean wait, hold on. No its gone

Anonymous said...

Very nice.I like how you didn`t just follow Mignola`s or Davis`s model.

I tried MS(the software,not the horribly debilitating disease)and wasn`t that impressed but I didn`t really give it a proper go.I might well give it another bash soon,since everyones singing it`s praises.

Judy said...

I like it, I love Hellboy anyway, but you've really captured his dark anger (not worded right) in his face.