Friday, August 28, 2009

Mister Amperduke

This is a sketch to be included in the second edition of Mister Amperduke

The Eclectic Micks sketchbook is currently being assembled by Will but we haven't decided on a name. I like either 'Eclectic Micks: Collected Gick' or 'This is my favourite piece of yours yet'



Will Sliney said...

Haha, adamanticum!

Declan Shalvey said...

Great pic Bob. Looks like i'll have to get that second edition. Anything new gonna be in there with it? Did you do another Amperduke short sory since?

Bob Byrne said...

Yeah theres a new 6 pager, a preview for the next book, some pin ups like this and if any Micks or anybody else want to contribute a piece it'd be great. I have a Guy Davis already

Declan Shalvey said...

Count me in. For the Guy Davis piece that is. I want it!

Will Sliney said...

Hells yeah I'll do a piece

Stephen Mooney said...

Methinks it'll be 'amperduke week' on the blog at some point soon...
Count me in.

Bob Byrne said...

Coolio!! I'll send yiz a mail next week. Cheers lads

Declan Shalvey said...

Yeah, we really should do a theme week. Amperduke sounds like a good 'un.

Anonymous said...

Do an Amperduke week!

Was this done in MS,Bob?

Stephen Thompson said...

Yes all hail Amperduke week! Better that than Batman week or something obvious like that. This is a great pic by the way, looking forward to getting my hands on the new version of the book.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you call the book, "A Micks Bag".