I always wanted to have a go at drawing this guy. Say what you want about The Phantom Menace (as i'd probably agree with you) but Darth Maul was a great looking character, and that lightsaber battle with him and the two Jedi is absolutely fantastic.
Deadly. Mighty design on him in fairness. Were getting more backstory on him now in the Clone wars too
Worst decision Lucas made was killing him off in the first movie (spoiler?). He absolutely could have been the new Darth Vader for a new generation of Star Wars fans. Instead? Blip on the radar - a real shame.
Probably the funniest thing about the trilogy- Lucas shovels truckloads of cash into creating a virtual universe, but the most successful thing in the whole new series was a bloke with facepaint and paste-on horns. Kick ass picture, btw :)
Nice. Glad you went with the red background rather than your more traditional black.
Black, red and white do it for me every time. Noice.
Great post, also really enjoyed Stephen Mooney's shirtless/robeless Maul from a few months back....
If I see any you guys at the 2D festival in Derry next year I'm def gony get you to knock one of these out for me....
More Maul!?!
Yeah. Maul was the best thing about that film. Excellent version.
Sith Vicious.
The wife has endured my shirtless/robeless Maul many times.
A play on words, I like what you've done there....
Thanks folks! I'd have preferd to do a full figure with a background and all that jazz, but just didn't have the time. Glad ye all like it, and that it inspired Mooney to 'maul' Jackie.
SOMEbody should.
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