Just arrived into chez Dec Shalveys this morning from a over a month in New York and Japan. Its actually Mooneys old place and if you walk around to certain areas of the studio you can get faint smells of his hair gel and white russians in places while if you hunch over a certain part of the desk you can get the lurking leathery smell of Thompson in the back corner.
This ones for all the Farscape peeps out there. If you havent seen the show then I guess you wouldnt have a clue whats going on here.
Please tell me you didn't pose for the photo ref for this one Will...?
I used to watch it waaay back in the early days... but clearly BEFORE Crichton started wearing stockings... wtf?
Haha nah no referance for this one unfortunately. I save my stockings for those personal photo I send you. I think this happened in season 3 PJ in an episode called Scratch and Sniff
Hold on a sec, this actually happened? And I thought Angel turning into a muppet was weird... lovely stuff Will, your work is really beginning to remind me of Mike Allred's stuff in a lot of ways, the economy of line and the figure-work. And that can only be a good thing.
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