Greetings. A happy Tuesdec to you all.
It's no secret i love street-level characters, ie, Punisher, Batman, Oscar the Grouch, etc, and among that list is Daredevil. Truth be told i do find him hard to draw in an interesting way though. Batman's cape for example, lends itself well to pared-down, graphic design. It's much harder to do that with a full figure like ol' Matt Murdock here.
Still, it's possible to get some cool stylized images using the horns, eyes, and 'DD' logo.
Went a bit mad with splatter effects here, but i like how it turned out.
Hope ye like.
Deadly. Pure deadly. Your signature is too big though man, seriously. Just pretend DD is for Deadly Declan
Didn't mean to be so big, but the image is less than A4 size, and i wrote it white-on-black, so you never really know how it's gonna turn out.
Wait... am i really discussing the signature? Ah ferget it.
Very nice Dec, really Frank Milleresque. Even the shape of the eyes is Milleresque. There should be a captain about the 'hard rain that hits like a slug from a .9mm special' or something. I particularly like the DD logo for some reason. I look forward to your Oscar the grouch.
I do like this one. I must admit
Really nice Dec.
Sorry to the other guys but this sketch has just become my fave on here, and maybe the best sketch by Dec I've seen.
This is great. You're really learning to play to your strengths Dec, ie strong silhoettes, dynamic posing and great staging. This reults in far more hits than misses. I think you're improving at a much quicker clip than the rest of us.
I like how Will had to 'admit' he liked it. It must've been difficult for him to do.
Heh, you took the words right out of my mouth Thompson. I like how Will 'had to admit' to liking it. He obviously hated the other ones.
Thanks Rich, doubt it's the best here, but out of my own, you think this is better than the Rocketeer one...?
Thanks Moondog. That's awful nice of you to say, but you could also argue i'm very aware of my weaknesses so steer clear of them, which doesn't really mean i'm improving. I prefer how you said it though.
Dec what are you using to get the gray tones. whatever it is its making you're work look really top drawer.another great piece!
Hey I liked his moonkinght piece from about a year ago too. Maybe you should do an Iron Fist next or sumthin. Ps, just noticed the Sean Murphyesque fingerprints at the bottom. Nice touch...Ooooh bad pun of the day
Great job man. The splatter effects work really nicely.
Hey man don't put words into my mouth , I said it was my fave on this site not the best, you'll get me in trouble with the other guys.
I really like your Rocketeer pic, but for me this just beats it with having slight more mood to it.
Actually just took another look at your rocketeer pic and I take it back ...I don't know which is better they're both really nice.
Too late Rich; they've all turned on you!
Heh; Will liked something i did a year ago; NICE! Yeah, i saw Sean doing the fingerprint thing (to great-effect) and thought i'd try it out (to okay-effect). I've actually been creeping it in here and there for a while.
Hey Fran, ah thanks man. I'm just using watered down indian ink. Used a brush-pen filled with a certain mixture on the last 2, but with this one, i used various measures of watered-down ink. The page in my sketchbook is all crumpled now from all the water.
Hey Ciarán, thanks man. Yeah, the splattery stuff seems to be getting a good reception... phew!
Thanks again lads. Glad ye like it. Was a bit unsure about this one before posting.
Oh, fer fup sake. Seriously, can't you guys just post mediocre sketches? What next? a three minute animation ending in a personal presentation by the Queen of Dec's next sketch.
Yes. It's good. Now, let's start doing scrappy, throwaway doodles - that way we can all start relaxing...
Badger's nadgers, Dec.
As a Daredevil fan, I have to say: it's superb. I may need to see it in person to give it a proper evaluation. So please send to... :)
Beast. (Seriously do Oscar the Grouch. Please.)
Thanks Si ......that's a good thing, right...?
David; as a fellow Daredevil fan, i take that as quite the compliment. Thanks man.
PJ; less of the moanin', and more of the sketchin' outta you, alright?
I will take Oscar the Grouch under consideration.
This is better than anything Fran Miller's done in, oh, what? Two decades?
I'm always impressed how you make silhouettes not look like big fuck-off shortcuts. This is great, Deccles-Cake. White paint or tippex?
Aw, thanks Bunche. Then again, tht's more a comment on Miller than it is on me :)
Hey Nickster, 'twas neither sir, 'twas actually white Winsor&Newton ink.
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