Okay, this isn't a comic BOOK character, but it is an Irish-centric comic character ....from a sitcom. Father Jack Hackett from the absolutely fantastic comedy series Father Ted.
This series wouldn't be well known to anyone outside Ireland or the UK but it is without a doubt the best thing to come out of Ireland, and i include myself in that. No point in ranting on about it, but i will link to a couple of clips, just cuz i think it's so feckin' great. Here's a short clip as a taste and a slightly longer scene (filmed in my home town!). I sure know how i'm celebrating today; watching some classic Ted episodes.... and maybe havin' a couple o' pints o' cider.
I expect to see some Ted quotes in the comments section.
Happy St. Patricks Day to all.
Cider?! Do it right, man!
What can I say? I'm a scumbag.
Sweet!...what else can I say
Nice one Dec, love the splodgy crap on his jacket and his general air of scumminess. Never realised how much Father Jack reminds me of a zombie before.
Interesting bit of Farscape trivia. This character here from an episode of season 4 is based on the mighty father Jack
Another winner Dec, Hackett reminds me a little of my dad...
But did he ever actually say 'feck off"? I thought it was more just random words like 'drink! feck! women!'
Thanks guys. Thompson, yeah he does look a little zombie-ish, but then i suppose that's rotten teeth, a white eye and being covered in gick for ya.
Everything is Farscape with you Will, jeeez...
Hey Mooney, he also said 'That would be an eccumenical matter'
But yeah, he did say 'feck off'. There was one episode that ended with him asleep and alone in his chair. He wakes up and sees everyone is gone, then notices the camera (or the viewer). He peers at the camera as it slowly zooms in, it goes right up to him and he says 'Feck Off!' thus ending the show. Brilliant.
Wow. That's a really great likeness.
You expected Father Ted quotes? My pleasure, good sir. I think this is one of my favourite scenes:
Father Ted: Ah, Sister Assumpta!
Sister Assumpta: Hello Father!
Father Ted: Dougal, Dougal, do you remember Sister Assumpta?
Father Dougal: Er, no.
Father Ted: She was here last year! And then we stayed with her in the convent, back in Kildare. Do you remember it? Ah, you do! And then you were hit by the car when you went down to the shops for the paper. You must remember all that? And then you won a hundred pounds with your lottery card? Ah, you must remember it, Dougal!
[Dougal shakes his head]
Sister Assumpta: And weren't you accidentally arrested for shoplifting? I remember we had to go down to the police station to get you!... And the police station went on fire? And you had to be rescued by helicopter?
Father Ted: Do you remember? You can't remember any of that? The helicopter! When you fell out of the helicopter! Over the zoo! Do you remember the tigers?
[Dougal shakes his head some more]
Father Ted: You don't remember? You were wearing your blue jumper.
Father Dougal: Ah, Sister Assumpta!
That would be an ecumenical matter!
"And what do you think might be behind the last door Father Jack?"
"A pair of feckin' women's knickers! Women's knickers! Women's knickers! Women's knickers!"
I love my brick!
Actually we get a fair amount of UK comedy shows over here in the States, but the vast majority of it isn't fit for viewing by prisoners of war. Crap like ARE YOU BEING SERVED?, KEEPING UP APPEARANCES and the execrable MY HERO have run for years on end, but I can't recall FATHER TED ever running here in the NYC area. That said and now having seen the clips from it, I intend to snag this on DVD as soon as possible.
Oh, and excellent drawing.
Sure is Dec, Great drawing by the way
Down with this sort of thing.
Careful now!
Father Jack "Shops! Drink! Corner! Shops! Got out! TRUCK!"
Father Ted "A truck?!"
Father Jack "TWO trucks!!"
Father Jack "FECKIN WATER!"
"Small.... FAR AWAY... Small... FAR AWAY..."
Awesome scabrousness, Dec.
I'm certainly not disappointed with the amount of Ted quotes... wow!
Jim; "Feckin' Water" is good, but i prefer the wet t-shirt competition where he goes ".....More water"
Bunche, i know a good few British series get seen State-side, but i think FATHER TED remains largely unseen, though i do know the whole three series are available on DVD over there. Man... i wish i was getting paid for all this Ted promotion. Still, happy to do it. Glad you liked the clips man; i used to be worried the taste of comedy wouldn't translate State-side. Oh, Ardal O' Hanlon from 'My Hero' is Dougal from FATHER TED but don't let that put you off... He's great as Dougal.
Creator of Father Ted noticed this http://twitter.com/Glinner/status/1341632860
Oh, and while we're on the subject of St. Paddy's day:
What would the following words suggest to you: "Jack", "sleepwalking" and "bollock naked"?
Graham Linehan actually saw this? Holy shitballs.
He's like, actually talented.
Excellent work Dec!
I'm sure this is an ecumenical matter.
The local public broadcasting service in St. Paul Minnesota aired Father Ted about 10 years ago. I love it, but haven't seen it in ages!
And yes, all the seasons are available on DVD in the US. I'm too broke to buy...
Wow! Graham Linehan actually saw it? Class! That's brilliant! (hope he liked it)
Katrina, i'm glad the show has been broadcasted in the States. On the face of it, it looks silly, but it's such a smartly-written show.
I was in London once when a guy i met a Scot who was raving about the show, then realised i was Irish and apologised. I asked why he was apologising and he said "Well... you know... it kinda makes fun of the Irish". To which i replied "What are you talking about? That's EXACTLY what it's like back home!"
Well, it's not 'exactly' what it's like in Ireland, but being from the west of Ireland, the show could be eerily similar at times...
"Do you remember the time his whole head went septic?"
Yeah I heard the same thing from a few people. What a show. Happy Paddys day y'all, im off to the pub....again
Beast drawing, Dec.
Eoin McLove: Go away! I don't want to catch menopause!
Chair! Curtains! Floor! Gobshite!
Nice pic though and thanks for making it so's I can comment :)
"...and used the money to buy a fur coat, and a crown!"
"Nuns! Nuns! Reverse! Reverse!"
In addition, Father Ted is the reason why I can't see any sort of protest and immediately start looking for a "Down with this sort of thing" sign.
"Big puffy lips like Fr.Bigley"
Have you ever checked out the I.T Crowd by Linehan?
Loads of comic shite on the walls and loads of slightly nerdy jokes.
You`d like it ,ye NERD!
(You said you wanted Father Ted quotes.)
Mrs. Doyle: "What would you say to a nice cup (of tea?)"
Fr. Jack: "FECK OFF, CUP!"
...And what do you say to a cup?
Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! Gwan! OH COME ON ALREADY!!! ...
Great job!
Don't forget the Eurovision Hit "My Lovely Horse"! I used to watch Father Ted on BBC America in Tennessee- I had no idea it was so obscure. You can catch some eps on youtube.
Nuns?! Reverse!! Reverse!!
Ahh, well ... I hope eclectic Micks and wannabees all over the World had a wonderful and transportingly happy St. Puketricks Day/St. PĂșcatricks Day! Well, to be more straightforward and "normal" (ugh) I could have just said "St. Patrick's Day" but I wanted to spice it up a little.
BTW Dona (part Irish, part Italian!) and I listened and danced to "Carbon Leaf" last night here at NN City Center. A very charming moment, as described on the band's Yuku.com link on the event:
...Luke from Rainmarket joined the band on guitar for Troubles, after which he promptly called his very surprised girlfriend up on stage
and proposed to her......it was very sweet.
Actually about 10 years ago we used to get Father Ted in Canada-at some ungodly hour-hee hee-always made a point of tryin to stay awake and watch it-great little sketch-kinda says it all
Hey Dec
One of my friends (Swedish girl living in USA) posted your picture on her profile saying she likes it!
Small world...
From someone living in the god forsaken land of Texas, this show was like a spring rain.
It seemed to wash off all the stupidity that surrounded me. =)
"'feck uff", indeed!
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