More superhero action this week; this time Iron Fist. Anyone who read Brubaker/ Fraction/ Aja's recent Iron Fist series doesn't need me to tell you how good it is here. Those who haven't read it? Go read it; it's VERY good.
With Storm and Piotr Rasputin up here recently, i'm really itchin' to draw one of the X-Men. Stay tuned.
Yowza, another winner Dec. The greytones are adding so much to your work, I'm really starting to miss it in your stuff when they're absent.
Ah yes Dec, Really like this, a lot, Its by far the most dynamic thing youve drawn. Really pops man, im impressed
lovely dec. really nice. I love the finger prints in your blacks too. really makes your style look individual and adds a hand drawn element to it that I think all of the people out there who are anti digital traditionalists will really appriaciate. I'm starting to sound like an art journalist of some sort. gay!
Thanks Fran! Nice o' you to say man, and i appreciate sayin' what you actually like about it rather than just humoring me. I gotta admit; when i started trying the fingerprints i was thinking 'this is never gonna work, but i'll give it a shot', but it's actually starting to come together. There's not much point in me trying to do super-slick inking when 1; i don't like in most artists work, and 2; guys like Will can do it much better than me, so i might as well stick with what i like and try pushing it a bit further (ie, making it look hand-drawn). Man, now who sounds like an art journalist?
Thanks Mooney. Gotta say, i don't see me doing greytones in sequential pages any time soon. It'd be a lot harder to work it into a sequential page. As for these Micks sketches; it's grey all over.
Will is impressed! My work here is done.....
Really good. Nice to see you do an actiony shot rather than a more graphic/composition piece. Plus that signature Dec splatter works well on his glowing hand thingy.
Yeah, tried to mix it up a bit by adding a more interesting pose. The guy is a martial artist after all.
I actually made a point of concentrating the splatter on the 'iron fist' alone. There's a bit of black splatter to break it up a bit, but i wanted the fist to be of focus, so i concentrated the white splatter on the fist. Glad it worked.
this is impressive, i love the perspective and the tones in the mask, nice one! serious stuff
'I concentrated the white splatter on the fist'
Surely the tagline to Dec's difficult second novel.
Lively stuff, Deccles. And nice to see the splatter serving a purpose other than reminding us that you're edgy and shit.
Dem's jokes! :)
Moondog - Epic Win. XD
Great work, this is. :)
Another great street level hero (and a recent DD stand in). Love the pose. I agree on the Brubaker / Fraction / Aja run. Loved the wierd rival weapons.
Realy nice Dec. I think you have realy found your ink style these days. I would love to see you bring more of this kind of ink work to your sequential pages.
Thanks all. Except you Mooney; i saw that one coming.
Rich, yeah, i see what yer sayin' but having greywash in sequential pages is a lot more complicated than lust sticking it in in a sketch. Add to that the practicalities of colouring greyscale. Plus, it's not like i can just start adding in grey-wash halfway though Sweeney Todd. If i was gonna do a black-and-white story, i'd definitely consider it though.
Iron Fist is in Secret Invasion. His costume is yellow and green. How about that for comic knowledge yall?
Dec why not try a sepia tone wash for your sequentials? Or even a pale blue.
fantastic pic dec, would make a great tee
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