...which is apparently vigorous self-pleasure.
I spent a good 2 or 3 hours drawing away on this last thursday in anticipation of the wolvie movie. I was pretty happy with it, was thinking along the lines of showing the feral reaction to that sweet familiar pain as Logan's claws slice through his hands once more.
Then Jac came home from work and rather worriedly asked me what the hell I was drawing before bursting out laughing.
Turns out it was Wolverine tearing the lad off himself.
NSFW, I guess...
PS- this actually originally had blood flying from the back of his fist where the claws emerge. I removed it.
It's groin-grabbingly good.
Prof X: Put some pants on Logan!
Great sketch.
Bwaaah haa haaa! Ah man, what were yeh thinkin? Well, obviously, you weren't! That's hilarious; i wish i coulda seen Jacs reaction.
Really nice drawing i have to say. I like all the man-hair. Takes me back to the Jim Lee X-Men days. Good times.
Yeah, Jim Lee's Wolvie would be my inspiration here. Note the lil housings on the back of his hands where the claws pop out, none of yer movie continuity here.
Hahah, id blame your subconscious mind there, hes almost as naked as he is in the majority of the movie. Some top notch anatomy rendering in fairness
Jim Lee never drew the little metal dealies on his hands, just on his gloves.
yeah like the little shlong highlights!
I checked there Thompson, and you're correct sir. I never remembered it that way, weird.
Unfortunate pose but great picture all the same!...with his healing factor i guess he's impervious from going blind...and he is the best at what he does
Huge Man Jacking.
What can I say...I have a dirty mind
*laughing hard, tears leaking*
Thank you, thank you, I needed that.
Ah man! That's hilarious
*stares* O__o;;; I think I may be a Wolvie fangirl now.
So, there you where in the house... alone.... while drawing and this is what you come up with....F*&king Hilarious Stephen.
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