Nick's not at home. Hence this automated opt-out of show and tell.
Another old Batgirl drawing (I was mildly obsessed briefly), this time with added confusion. It's a scan of a photocopy too, but I dug it out with an interest to practicing some inking digitales on it. Hmm. Watch this space...
very nice- the repro leaves a bit to be desired- would love to see the original.
Worst. Studio. Ever.
Great pic man, love the zany vertigo-inducing angle and the bg is great.
Real pity we couldn't make it an even week of studio pics though, I've definitely enjoyed this week of posts a lot more than the average bear.Hopefully when you get home we could see your special area, maybe even touch it?
Nice 'Batgirl' & all...
...But i demand that my right as a Nosy Anonymous Stalker will not be denied !!!
Show me the money!!!
(It's been great to have a snoop inside your studios this week though guys.
I'll be in the darkness,watching...waiting.
Oi!...'Princess' Leigh G...
T'was MY IDEA !!!
(*See Angel thread by Dec.)
You ONLY wanted to stalk,sorry i mean SEE Mooney's studio...
T'was indeed "I" who suggested the Studio Pics theme week !!!
...Yes,give an Anonymous Nerd the credit they deserve!!!
Ha...just because you're brother's Liam & Noel!
(only joking,just 'Roll with It')
While i'm at it...
May i suggest next weeks theme?
Daily Photo's of each Mick's Penis?
Somehow,judging by the studio pics, i think Mooney's will be the biggest,or is he compensating with the Cool studio?
By the way for the record,this is MY idea,Leigh G Dammit!!!
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