I say 'workspace' as this hardly qualifies s a 'studio'. I'm back home working from my old room at the moment, so it's a pretty basic set-up. Only 'the ladies' get a tour of my bedroom (It's just a bed and some boxes at the moment) so this is the only thing i have to show you people.
Yeah, pretty big step down from Mooney's PALACE yesterday, but what're you gonna do? Working on a spoilerific Thunderbolts page today so i have to cover that up. What's on the screen might be of interest though... Don't tell anyone....
Uncle Will here jumping in with a bonus Pic of Dec hard at work in New York
luke cage doesn't look too happy at what he's seeing, you're not cracking one out are you?
I like how your using Kanetes sketchbook as a mouse pad
Ha, looks like you've less space there than you did in the states.
Dying to see what's on that page.
Whose idea was this studio pics thing again?
So when you say "Only the Ladies, get a tour" you really just mean your mom.
It looks like your mouse pissed itself.
Maybe it did Thompson, maybe it did.
Will; yeah, mouse wouldn't work on the table, so i had to find something handy. Sorry Mr. Canete.
Danna; i wont let my mum in here. She'll just give out to me about the state of my room. Just like old times.
And she'd be right to do it.
Nice. But we all really want to see what posters you have on the wall, Power Rangers, Wolf from Gladiators etc.
No posters man. Room was done up last year so all the posters went down. Did have a Spidey poster, an X-Men poster, a couple of Radiohead posters and a Smashing Pumpkins poster up for years though.
Heh, love that second picture. He looks like a turtle.
Thanks for making my studio space look so much better Dec :)
"X" marks the spot...
(...Or did the pissy mouse?!?)
Where the magic happens...
Those lucky ladies!
Good to see you're Keeping it real.
Bloody hell Dec, a homeless person could've come up with a better studio tour! With all those gold bars Marvel will be paying you with, I'm sure you can get yourself something more deserving of your talent!
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