For my money Akira is one of the best examples of comic art ever. There's barely a single bad panel to be found across it's many thousand pages and there are moments where the storytelling is so good it's actually like being there. Domu works better as a story but Akira's length and detail makes it an amazingly immersive experience.
Ok, that Tetsuo is gloriously horrific looking. Superb stuff!
Such lovely drawing, and nicely reminiscent of Otomo's linework. I agree totally about the brilliant storytelling in the Manga, it belts along like a freight train. Must borrow those volumes off you again some time.
How come you never sign your sketches?
I don't like signatures on drawings. Takes you out of the piece in my opinion, and always looks kinda clumsy.
This is deadly. I knew youd do something mutated. Great piece.
Nice fucking work. I love the depth of field with the silhouette in the foreground. And as a side note I appreciate and share your philosophy of signatures on comic art. Nothing takes me out of continuity in a story like a big old signature.
Haha! that's brilliant- I had a similar composition in my head.
Ha! I was going for the EXACT same composition too. Beautiful work bro. I've read the entire thing, took about 2 months and sweet fuck it's fantastic.
Fair enough Thompson, but how would the common fan associate the work with you then? And before you say it, most people can't simply recognise any artist by their style. Every one of your favourite artists signs their stuff.
You're even worse at selling yourself than I am, and that's saying something.
Well there's always a printed credit to refer to. Even on a blog like this is says 'Akira by Stephen Thompson' at the top. I can't think of a situation where someone will see a piece of your work and there'll be no credit anywhere. Plus most people's signatures are unreadable anyway. I don't think I've ever found out a new artist's name from reading their signature even once, I've always referred to the credits or to the information on the blog I've found it on or whatever.
Well you're weird.
How about that action.
I'm with Thompson on the signatures, I've always had a problem with Dec's big dopey sign off. He should just put Shalvey instead of his full name
Man, this is a brilliant piece of art! Really pops. Powerful.
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