Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And Now For Something [Reasonably] Different

As the Moondogger mentioned yesterday, OFFSET (a design/illustration conference)was on in Dublin over the weekend and it was absolutely brilliant. It gave me a real artistic kick up the arse. So, i thought i'd just lash-out a non-comic character; something from my head with an emphasis on drawing a little differently. I literally did this in like, 2 minutes, but like how it looks. I used to do stuff like this in art college all the time.



Stephen Thompson said...

Nice! good to see somebody doing something out of left field on the blog. I particularly like his teeth and shifty gaze.

Stephen Mooney said...

Ha, that's great. Looks like a Henry Selick/Burton type escaped mental patient.

Stephen Mooney said...

And admit it, the real reason you did this is because we've come to realise how much more money those 'proper' illustrators make than us...

Liam Geraghty said...

Before I read the post, I thought you'd done a tribute to the work of professional rapscallion Luke F.

Very awesome.

Talking to illustrators, it never fails to suprise me how much they get away with charging. Nice living if ya can get it.

Paddy said...

Yeah man, very nice. Would love to see more of this from you. To me, the more alternative/illustrative styles are always way more personal and expressive of the artistes(!) personality.

paddy said...

Actually, it's not a million miles away from something that Italian cartoonist Gipi would do. Look him up!

Anonymous said...

Belly good,Dec.Very Richard Sala.

"...tribute to the work of professional rapscallion Luke F"

Ha!But I suppose you were drawing from the same "inspiration"I do
(Davis,Sala,etc)for this so it`s no surprise it turned out like something I`d do...if I could draw.

Alan (with one L) said...

I'm thinking Dave McKean

davehendrick said...

Nice one Dec - Let's see more.