Holla, Mick-Lickers. having a wonderful time in my home burg of Wexford at the Wexworlds Sci-Fi festival. They're looking after us a treat down here and even conceeded to giving me my own exhibition in the local Arts Centre. Tis a proud moment indeed. Shame P.J. Holden is ruining it for everyone... (I finally met him! I now have a full set of Micks!)
Anyway, a collaborative effort today; An Obi-Wan sketch I tossed off a while back, coloured up quite prettily, you have to agree, by my former and future lover and Sam to my Frodo, Pat Sinnott. Not bad for a chef, huh? (I believe Lovern Kindsierski can only do cheese on toast.)
Up yours!
y Nick, glad Wexford went well.
Cool Obi-wan too. Nice to see a coloured pic of yours up on the blog.
Nice one Nick. I love that scene. On of my favs in all of Star Wars
Dear God I hope your joking Will. The future Darth Vader confounded by a slight hill.
Nope, not joking at all. I like you you see it as a slight hill and I see it as an end to an epic battle across an exploding fiery lava filled planet
I have a slight hill in my pants for this pic.
who is it? pwah ah aha ha
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