Well heres a pic that pretty much sums up my week. A hand, a pint, and a flood.
Without mentioning the first point (Its still too heartbreaking!!) I spent the majority of my birthday wading through Cork city streets in a pair of togs as we tried to copy venice for a few days. It was pretty much insane. Looking out my bedroom window, where there was a once a road was a full blown river.
Got any photos? Sounds mad altogether.
Cool pic
Lovely colours in this 'un Will.
Here's a vid of my old school in Ennis flooded...
It's like Jesus tried his' walking on water' trick while pissed.
Hey guys,
Alan here from The Local News. I interviewed you all at the Eclectic Micks sketchbook launch a few weeks ago. It went into the paper, and I dropped some copies off with Kevin, but I also put it on my blog:
So, have a look if you haven't seen it yet. Also, I really enjoyed doing the interviews. Let me know if you're releasing anything else.
cheers Alan.
Hey Will I saw the flooding on the news, looks terrible. Ireland really shits the bed when it comes to weather
Poor Wilhelm. Nice slice o' life piece encapsulating what sounds like an absolute shithouse. Hope your knickers are starting to dry out.
I'm drowning!...but save the beer.
Nice piece!
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