Here's another Killer Croc sketch i did at the same time as this one, but i've been keeping it im my back pocket in case i was stuck for time one week. This is that week. Really busy. Note; see how it's an unseen sketch and NOT a panel from a page or that i'm 'too nervous to draw'...? Just sayin'...
That's a real beaut!! Great work, sir!
Great stuff. Love the trees
Probably my favourite picture of yours, ever. Just love the cartooney quality of this. Great stuff.
Very, very sweet, Dec.
Like I said when you drew it, one of your best pieces ever.
Love it love it love it.
Thanks guys.
Stephens; 'Favourite piece ever' ....really? That's surprising. Don't see it myself. I mean i like it, but wouldn't put it up there with my best.
Yeah but the content is right up my alley too, I love me the creature features.
if there's any justice in the world...
dec would be on batman.
oh rite, i just saw the little dig at me haha. Ah youl never understand sir Dec.
That's true.
I never will.
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